
Martin Natano
Vienna, Austria
✉ natano@natano.net
Work Experience
since 2018
iMobility GmbH,
Senior Software Developer
Development and maintenance of the microservices-based backend for the Wegfinder app.
My work includes the integration of partner APIs and the development of intermodal routing solutions.
Technologies: Python, aiohttp, Postgres, Elasticsearch, OSRM, Kubernetes, Docker
2017 - 2018
RadarServices Smart IT-Security GmbH,
Senior Developer, Software Architect, Product Owner
Implementation and maintenance of multiple IT-security and SIEM related products for usage in-house.
My work included designing two domain-specific programming languages for high-performance data processing and aggregation, and implementing their corresponding compilers. The lexers and parsers for both languages were implemented in PLY, with a specialized code generation and optimization stage emitting Python bytecode.
In addition to my development role, I was also responsible for planning the products on an abstract and on a technical level.
Technologies: Python, Postgres, SQLite, C, Elasticsearch
2015 - 2017
Ethics Commission of the Medical University of Vienna,
Lead Developer
Follow-up to the original ECS project started in 2010 with the goal to adapt the system to the needs of other ethics commissions.
I was responsible for technical and product planning, software upgrades (Python 2 to 3, Django 1.2 to 1.8 and all other dependencies), replacing MooTools and a couple of outdated JS libraries with jQuery, replacing most handwritten CSS code with Bootstrap, and implementing many new features in the backend as well as in the frontend.
Technologies: Django, Python, Postgres, jQuery, Bootstrap, Weasyprint, Celery, GPG
2012 - 2015
RadarServices Smart IT-Security GmbH,
Developer, Security Researcher
Implementation of network security solutions. Research & development in the security field regarding network anomalies, behaviour analysis and statistics.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Python, C, Postgres
2010 - 2012
Ethics Commission of the Medical University of Vienna,
Lead Developer
Design & implementation of a paperless office system (ECS) suited for the needs of the Ethics Commission of the Medical University of Vienna.
Technologies: Django, Python, Postgres, MooTools, wkhtmltopdf, Celery, GPG
2009 - 2010
Mjam GmbH., Web Developer
Maintenance of the customer facing Django web service. Implementation of group orders and a Debian-based POS system.
Technologies: Django, Python, PostgreSQL, Debian, wvdial
See my Curriculum Vitӕ for more information.